Monday, October 22, 2007

Drinking Coconut Milk

feandil @ 2007-10-23T00: 50:00

"Dear Beppe ,
two weeks ago, Annozero, I evocatoLicio Gelli and the rebirth of the P2 plan and I have spoken ditutto colors. In fact, I had been too optimistic. We are now well Gelli, as well as the P2. We are in the political-judicial coup .
Perun time, pursue technical and legal aspects of the decision delProcuratore general Catanzaro snatched the investigation "WhyNot" on Prodi, Mastella & C. the holder, ie Luigi De pm at M agistris, is unnecessary and misleading. Better go now to the substance, which Equest: the magistrate who had gathered sufficient evidence perindagare Mastella for abuse, fraud and illegal financing, cioèriteneva have found the money, can not complete its investigation , now in the pipeline . The dossier will go to a altromagistrato, which take months to study all the documents. And, if you do nonvorrà the end of De Magistris - attacked from right and left, defended by anyone, inspected for months and months, dragged before alCsm, proposed for the immediate transfer and ultimately expropriated delsuo work - listen to the loving advice that give the government and the opposition once so compact: Check all lasciarperdere, look the other way.
whatever people may say, this is not a private matter between De Magistris and Mastella. This is the final solution after twenty years of war policy Justice . It 's the culmination of the dream of many Gelli, Craxi and Berlusconi difermare investigations on power in the bud. Gelli, Craxi and Berlusconi, in their naivety, thought that it was necessary to do laCostituzione change, writing that the career of quelladei pm is separated by judges and prosecutors must obey the government.
Mastella and who's behind understand that there is no need to change the rules: just create the conditions that made this happen. Just an open unfascicolo pm on friends of a minister, if he requests the transfer (delpm, not the minister). Even if the request does not stand up, nonimporta: when the judge comes to the point, going to friends of the minister livellodagli the minister himself, the minister will argue that it is because the prosecutor has it in him. And, with shell game, be able to convince some senior magistrate to exchange the causes and effects conglomerate pm to snatch the survey for "incompatibility". Comesa was resent to the prosecutor with the minister, not the Minister avercelacol pm. It is called "preventive war", and did not even inventataMastella. The Mao had already theorized: "Hitting a to educate a hundred." It works. " Marco Travaglio

keep asking. But those who voted this government after 5 years to rightly railed against Berlusconi, now you feel betrayed? Now is not ashamed of it? And if you will not be ashamed, you are able to explain why?


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