. ,
am happy for most things. In reverse order to how I think about it: They
the old episodes of Scrubs. I know I know overlap with Futurama, but Scrubs from 20 to 21 I can easily finish my tea, dinner and berms in front of the TV, on the couch, knowing that they can have something nice to look at. Otherwise I would have been forced to watch half past eight, deepening, and perhaps before the news. Why admit, there was nothing else to watch. So I had a moral obligation to inform. JD
for example tonight I was saved by an aged De Michelis and unwatchable at half past eight that he wanted to reapply Craxi .. fear .. Then
. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going to do an interview for an internship. I did not ask me, I would have a lot of things to do for the university. It 'was the head of big business is waking up this morning and wondering if tomorrow was passing by to chat. The phone looked like one of those charismatic leaders such as you see them in movies. And that still exist in real life, for I have known.
It 'refreshing to be woken up by such people with such proposals. Apart are those events that you can tell that I know, at home with your parents or your friends, and felt a bit 'proud. In fact you can tell them you alone while he puffed out his chest. Why is it so fucking nice to feel useful, feel exactly as it is supposed a person in your position would feel. Potentially be a functional part of society, a person who produces straight line increases the GDP of the nation. Happy as a dog when the owner throws a stick.
I hate dogs. Then
. I brought home 17.5 credits, 4 exams, including the dreaded lan-guages-for-the evils. You may be given in two parts: 4 / 5 now and laboratory within the calendar year. If you do not close the last part laboratory quest''appello I should give back all the examination, ie a script that would take 5 hours to do so but do you have only two and a half and still only half an hour after your brain is already dissolved from fatigue (it seems to the sadistic exercises puzzles, I'm not joking is the comparison that comes easiest to describe them) and fear of not being able to do everything: why you should be enough to pass on the 5 parts of which it is made. A 30 in the first part does not offset a 10 in the third.
Moral: 15 at the laboratory, 19 in total. The best score was 23, among others attended the 20th on 18. These others were about one third of the total. Here we say that anxiety
I gripped this summer was a bit 'loose (it is not always statistical me peaceful sleep).
addition. Lately I do not listen to Megadeth. For example, yesterday I was reflecting Killing is my business, and with songs like Rattlehead surprise I discovered that shaped my adolescence. That is not how I used to sing:
" There's something back in the shadows
You feel, though you can not see
His eyes He'll bash your head if you cross
HIM Is not quite your guy awerage
Do not need no leather to fit in
Do not need no spikes to be cool
Do not want no woman beside HIM
Just make it fast and loud rude "
Now, this is more like my lj Smemoranda then.
This return to roots is mainly due to these very nice guys who I had the honor to hear on Saturday:

They are Mechanix , fans are funny are good fun if you happen to see them go.
I also discovered that on March 4 Alcatraz Megadeth are the real ones, and I'm seriously thinking of going there. After all I deserve it! If anyone interested let me know.
then. I wrote an article in memory of Alan Turing and the harm he has suffered, inversely proportional to how much he gave to his country, humanity, and to us engineers. For my book. The magazine . That in fact.
Then, boh.
Ah here, I saw a really cute movie: CHARLIE WILSON'S WAR OF
support the criticisms in the review linked: the film is good but I'm not apply. The criticism should go deeper, and this is a missed opportunity, but I appreciated the effort to talk about topics such as forgotten Soviet-Afghan War with a brilliant comedy and definitely fun, especially thanks to the exceptional Hoffman. I repeat, is not Loach.
Anyway, "A tout le monde" redone in "United Abominations" is a crap!