Sunday, November 25, 2007
Free Ebook Pharmaceutical Calculations
Diocane a wand new split completely. Scaratruffa de pussy.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Japanese Zippo Lighter
Thursday, November 22, 2007
;naruto Vs Sasuke Shi
Architects good all day!
for those who were there and who could not come, here is a welcome email and also
summary of previous games.
What you may not have been told Tuesday, 20 to 20 - day and time chosen at random nor too - is that all this is born by small individual indignation that just two weeks ago met one evening in San Lorenzo.
We were eight at the start, around a wooden table, a few beers and loud music in a pub battered. Few words, laughter and love some considerations, glaring problems, and the desire to go beyond individual words.
Tuesday, after a few days, there were perhaps more glasses of wine of beer, many people remained standing, a strange broadcast on the other hand, some gloomy faces, some skeptics, some controversial, some angry, some provocateur, who only silent but were collected over 50 emails!
I say it is a good sign to start!
Personally, itching exploded Luttazzi watching a few nights ago. I started watching thinking, "Who knows, maybe it's a sign that something is moving."
He 's back ruthless. His words seem not to know the ways of the midst of which we are all so accustomed. Cut, screeching, bother.
Maybe because the truth slaps you sometimes without discounts.
His direct appeal and cheeky ("Wake up boys!") Was the final spring. I do not know if it is to make the revolution, I say that revolutions do not exist, that everything always comes back to a strange status quo, that the same people sit around a table and eat and drink, which is also not possible to please everyone.
The thing that struck me the most is perhaps the folds of these considerations. Conditions are satisfied and that instead we are deeply unjust. This definitely can and should revolutionize!
The name "Mind the Gap" also contains this. The desire to fill a void. Institutional, regulatory, communications. Maybe even a blank in the head can not be satisfied with what they already know and which moreover is not good. You can not stay asleep and apathetic behind and within a computer always on, with the thoughts tired, silly and dull.
am the heads must be kept lit!
It makes me happy to know that so many of you share the intent of the fund.
The aim is perhaps not change the world, maybe it's a noble but difficult goal. This is - as it was then suggested Tuesday - setting a goal while simple and direct, to go with that determination. Also involving other cities. And other professions.
We must do so by drawing attention, making our voices heard, pulling her head up from your desk without fear.
I just yesterday that the only thing we do is all very well designed.
E 'I think the key here: we can plan the future, we can design small concrete actions, we can design large meetings of all of us. At present, the architecture is made by the same faces as always, sitting at the table talking and eating, drinking and chatting.
We try to do something different.
conclude for the moment these considerations morning. As you will see dall'orario, Tuesday evening, something I flung on his head and keeps me awake. Maybe it happens when something important and beautiful around.
I hope to see you all again at the next meeting, and even more numerous. We will keep you updated on dates and actions, but also expect tips!
"The truth is not a crystal that you can put in your pocket, but a boundless liquid which may fall into. "(R. Musil)
Monday, November 19, 2007
Most Reliable Laptops
Young Architects Professional
gap.roma @
Mind the gap - we're young
RM . We are Architects. We are professionals.
We are organizing to protest the current situation of young architects in Rome and, above all because we're turning this situation will change.
For the young architect practicing in a firm has the protections and rights that belong .
For the young architect had incentives and support for independent practice.
order for the student or graduate who does not know from the beginning must provide for free its cooperation. We are organizing
- a blog on the Internet to collect testimonies and suggestions;
- to collect signatures for a letter to be sent to the Order, to newspapers, politicians,
- a counter-survey that provides the real picture of our professional status;
- the collection of testimonies and outside Rome;
- participation in the initiative to as many people as possible;
- the revolution!
To learn more, come November 20, 2007, at 20 the Literary Cafe, Via Ostiense 95.
Bring friends and colleagues.
For info:
gap.roma @
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sympathy Messages Loss Of Mother
list of architectural firms to avoid the area of Milan and Varese
Monday, November 12, 2007
Best Travel Camera Bag
aggression and the landscape 'as' the most serious threat to the Italian cultural heritage, "Rutelli
attacks the 'Italy of the surveyors'
growth without style, architects defeated
's deputy at the meeting of Make: soon the crime of fraud landscape
ASSISI -" The architects and planners of the war have lost a historic battle, perhaps because of politics. They could not impose a cultural leadership, and then a stylistic transformation of the territory in contemporary Italy. In fact they won the surveyors that they have accepted, so incompetent, hasty and cheap to every need of the customer. With the results we see. "
Francesco Rutelli, Minister of Heritage and Culture, advantage of an audience among the most sensitive to landscape to declare "finished the season building an indefinite expansion." Minister speaks at the conference of the FAI, the Italian Environmental Fund, chaired by Giulia Maria Crespi, who organized an internal seminar ('Sos landscape, upgrade to intervene) for the use of volunteers to equip them with new legislation and regulatory requirements in their operations. Fai is so appreciated by Rutelli ("you are a model of dedication, participation, quality, intelligence). Rutelli calls the attack on the integrity of the landscape "by far the most serious threat to the Italian cultural heritage." Guilt, the minister said, "growth in property values, the fragility of the planning, protection of the continuing conflict between state, regions and municipalities." But it is time to say enough because "we are a country dense, narrow, dense." It sends a very clear message to the regions has long been claiming full autonomy in land management (see the case of Tuscany): "The Court Constitutional, with the sentence 367, 7 November, dismissed all claims against the state of the regions by saying that his state falls the task of protecting the landscape seen as "a primary value and absolute." When they arrive constraints, these must be respected. Soon will come even the crime of fraud landscape. " A declaration of war, though very soft, to "suburban."
Moreover, the minister concludes with a confirmation: "Let me be clear. No more amnesties building, so he decided this government. " Inevitably the applause of the audience (there is also, as a delegate Fai, the new president of the Venice Biennale, Paolo Baratta). But the conference of Do (the Director General Marco Magnifico has shown the many initiatives of the association) is to discover a brand new slice of Italy. And so, as the joints are disputed center of Tuscany 'left' for 'suburban', of Assisi, the voice of the mayor of his Forza Italy Claudio Ricci (center-right came with three civic lists) that announce a program in experimental and avant-garde on the protection of the landscape: "Our town is UNESCO World heritage site. By January that will put in the management plan, but in the context of the plan because it has full effect, the guidelines of experimental restoration of the landscape. We will be the first to do so. We need to explain that it is impossible to act on our territory. Because you can. But provided you comply with strict rules regarding massing, materials, architectural techniques, trees, hedges. Also referred to as build a sidewalk or window frames. The development is in fact possible, but in the context of an overall restoration of the landscape. In this spirit, we managed to convince many abusers to shoot them down. " Applauded the intervention of the Regional Urban Planning in Sardinia, Gian Valerio Sanna, (formerly Margaret hours Pd), which warned: "The state can not leave us alone in the struggle for the defense of our territory. We are under attack by the Regional Administrative Courts and corporate real estate. But the landscape is about the size of man, his quality of life, that of future generations. We have now adopted a landscape plan, as requested by Municipal Code. And because the State did not breach Commissioner regions? Wants or does not want to enforce the constitutional provisions on the protection of the landscape? ". On the controversy of architects and surveyors Rutelli, Rome meets Giorgio Muratore, a professor of art history and contemporary architecture at La Sapienza, much controversy: "The attack on the surveyors? A cliche that you read from fifty years. Now we need to see what is good in the work of surveyors and what is bad in the culture of architects. " The major fault of who I am? "Politics. The "meat" is there ... And the added value that is derived from the property. Now, Italy is the festival of unauthorized. But the bad architecture often "signed" is a policy and never take into account the intrinsic quality of the product. "
Paolo Conti
November 11, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Cachando Kates Playground
Last night we went to Midian. The other last night we went to Midian. It 'the only place, being in Cremona, where you can listen live metal and have a beer without thousands of kilometers. No, being intolerant to barley, you can only listen to Metal. But it is already so.
Friday evening there were EVENIA , good / and advice to those who like the genre, gothic, and a quieter atmosphere, collection, and all to be enchanted by the voice of the singer.
Saturday evening but there was a tribute band Iron Maiden, of course I speak of clairvoyant. Thanks
absolute Gabriel, the singer, who sang the effort although it was apparent due to bronchitis half carried by most, but to put it in his own way, "I do not give a fuck we came to play the same TO RELIEVE METAL ". It 's really a machine sparacazzate on stage, you can not not have fun with him.
And then there was full of kids, that one part is also fun to see them bounce off you as they grow up healthy in the metal. And there was the historical mother fan boy who brought his son with the jersey of killers but were afraid to come together in front of us, and then possessed of the premises, a guy who practically lives in Midian, and it carries with it the door under the stage by teaching you how. And then there was
jowl, who once played with me, and his wife who is expecting a baby and Gabriel, who makes the wishes of a new life that comes in the name of the metal.
Almost moved me: D
the end there was quite amused by having to take a shower at home.
Then today I tried the new sticks ... so gorgeous .. so thin and light ... almost makes me uncomfortable to read what they are, but they are so handy. Brava Zidjan.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Mount And Blade Eloping
more you talk and you do not do more to exacerbate your position before this court. I am the judge.
And you want me to save. Maybe.
Want to be right. You can not, I'm the judge, and I have the last word.
attacks the court? It is not a good tactic for what it's worth.
Yeah, what is? Just because you refuse the legitimacy of this court. And basically you're right, what do you need my opinion? But then you have to convince me why?
attacks the court? Attach the court? Insist come to judge me? Do not you realize that you do not have the tools.
I am on top of your view. I choose my teachers. I choose my judges.
I'm not you. I'm better.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Southwest School Supply
G8, Veltroni: "The country needs truth about Genoa serves on the Committee of Inquiry"
hypocrites of the cock, what are you complaining now that when the institution had to vote for your henchman Violante abstained by reject the measure. What do you cry when months ago, the Interior Minister Amato promoted top police officials of the time rather than punish them. You are just murderers and accomplices to murder.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Buying Tequila In San Diego
http://desperatearchitect. 27ovile + and + all%% C3% A8 + I
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Xanax To Quit Smoking
I know, it's nice, but I assure you that the rest of the magazine is much better. If you have broken my balls information officer of the lies and think that amateur volunteers can inform you of the best known and rich media subservient to power, buy our fucking magazine. 8 euros spent on culture are never wasted.
This policy derives from the "broken windows theory" (broken windows theory) formulated in 1982 by criminologists James Q. Wilson and George Kelling, which provides that if people become accustomed to seeing a broken window, then you get used to seeing others break, and live in a devastated environment, without reacting: repairing the window, you get used to the law.
Born in the USA (especially referring to the action of the former administrative New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani), in Italy the term is used and abused in different meanings, from different political parties, not necessarily in relation to the theory that underlies it: in general or in reference to a particular category of transgressions we tend to talk about zero-tolerance (ie. towards smoking) as a general tightening of sanctions and prohibitions.
In recent months we have witnessed an increasingly frequent use of this term: the news story tells us constantly of facts more or less severe, which often become repeat offenders or immigrant protagonists, culminating in the fight to the facts taken from the washer Municipality of Florence. This general feeling
of popular outrage has therefore prompted the government to try to realize the concept of "zero tolerance" with a new package of security laws: a gesture that can only lead to hilarity when we think that this uncompromising decision comes just a year after a measure opposed , the infamous pardon law.
course none of us like to be bothered by a washer, having to endure beggars on the streets or even worse to live near a Gypsy camp. And we certainly can not expect a government by the schizophrenic behavior, which now promises rigor and yesterday emptied the prisons, can address the problem.
So what to do? In my humble opinion the answers you seek are as often happens to find in our past. Our ancestors indeed had to solve similar problems finding effective solutions that today we can easily reproduce.
Let's go back in time to get to the primal moment: where do all these beggars, drifters, petty crime?
In medieval times, the poor, the vagrant and beggar were welcomed and helped, at least by the faithful Christians and representatives of religion: in fact, poverty was one of the pillars of Christian doctrine that provided for the obligation of aid to the poor, rather this was considered the service that provided the occasion for a good deed. The poor man was then the image of Christ on earth.
At that time the risk of impoverishment and misery was nothing related to the occasional lack of defense of society against the applicants downturn, economic, health, food, war, which cyclically permeated those centuries. The danger of poverty affects everyone, even some well-off due to specific problems could invalidate their social status by becoming "verecundus pauper (poor shameful).
The charities were organized by institutions, primarily church, which posed as links between the poor and charity donors, in particular hospitals, monasteries, leprosy. The poor were then be integrated into society of the time.
From the XI to XV century, first in Italy, then in the Netherlands, then throughout the 'Western Europe, it slowly consumes the crisis of the feudal aristocracy and advancing ranks of commerce, not as a subordinate forces a stratified society, but as economically independent and influential classes of an open society. These are the classes that between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries promote what has been called the commercial capitalism. And it is at the stage of commercial capitalism that occurs the first major accumulation of wealth that will be the springboard of industrial capitalism and the culture medium of national bourgeoisie and a dynamic economic system.
From this change in social relations, the history of poverty is entering a new phase: the clearest example of this historic transition takes place in England, the cradle of future industrial revolution.
Since 1400 the British landowners began a process called "enclosures", ie fencing of the land. This practice had as its goal to fence off the land, especially land use policy, to allow the exclusive use by the owner. The fields were converted from traditional crops, employing a large workforce, pastoralists, less costly in terms of manpower and lucrative business view the strong international demand for English wool. In addition, the interdiction for use by the community of "common fields and woods made life impossible for the rural population: these plots were in fact exploited to collect firewood, mushrooms, fruits or graze domestic animals needed for the livelihood of smaller classes poor. The result was that farmers and small landowners, rendered useless by the extension of sheep farming and deprived of traditional means of livelihood, were expelled from the country and forced to pour into the city.
With the outbreak of the English revolution in the sixteenth century, the important phenomenon of the enclosures is accelerated now the fact that parliament is the organizer of a series of laws that make two centuries in the fence of the land required.
England possessed many small landowners (Yeomen), whose possessions were small and scattered, reducing the possibility of introducing innovations and thus improve their returns. The laws on fencing (enclosures acts) issued by the parliament by the end of the seventeenth century to 'the beginning of the nineteenth century, promoted the grouping of land redistribution and increase the size, in the interests of large landowners who pushed and supported these measures.
The Yeomen were the main victims of the economic transformation of eighteenth-century English, as often forced to sell their land by failing to have sufficient resources to carry out the fencing (in addition to construction costs, there were other legal charges and tax). Even the Cottagers, who did not own their land but gain access to common land will disappear, they lost an important source of livelihood and were pushed or working for large landowners or to seek their fortune in cities.
smallholders produce their own goods which were used for their subsistence, through agriculture, livestock production and the small craft, particularly textiles, which occurred in the winter months, and resorted to barter for everything else. With the expulsion from the countryside of this social class of the rural community is gradually disintegrated, self-sufficient manorial economy based on small producers destroyed to be converted to modern monetary economy and urbanization. Expelled en masse from the country's former peasants turn into a mass of vagabonds, begging and living hand to mouth, or wander the countryside flock to the cities of the time. The representation of this historical situation can be found in many picaresque novels of the environment, think of the description of the "court of miracles" in Notredame de Paris by Hugo.
The lucky ones will find a job by becoming self-sufficient and independent producers to workers employees have to meet their needs through the sale of its workforce. Then will drive the industrial reserve army of the nascent industry as needed.
The formation of the first working class was thus a natural fact, but rather the product of the decisive intervention of state power that made explicit use of violence, initially in the creation of a class of poor and homeless, then as an educational method of discipline wage labor.
From the fifteenth century. parallel with the expansion of poverty and homelessness, change the attitude of society against this phenomenon.
with growth monetary economy and the affirmation of the new middle class began to spread contempt for the misery, contempt is reflected in medieval European legislation. Contrary to the past, the poor will stop representing the image of the suffering Christ, vagrancy is considered a crime and is imposed the obligation to work for everyone. The law provided for severe penalties for people caught homeless and without employment, as public frustration, or expulsion from the city jail. The company began as medieval to punish anti-social elements: those who do not conform to the rules of common life must be punished as a spread bad example, dangerous to the dominant society. Therefore, the tramp was not injurious to its possible illegal activity, but rather because the institutions did not participate and aims of global society. The pre-industrial society would not accept those who lived isolated and independent and sought to "take it back" by imposing the obligation to work to re-introduce it in the mesh system. There were many so-called "Read the bloody" issued by the British rulers in the fourteenth and the seventeenth century, as Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, or European, as the Emperor Charles V, seeking to suppress the roaming of villagers driven from their lands . These included punishments such as flogging, the branding, imprisonment and, in case of recidivism, even the death penalty.
institutions begin to discriminate against the poor poverty distinguishing true from false. The poor so-called "accepted" were people with a physical disability, reduced to the rank of full-time beggars. They were the recipients of government assistance. The patients were in first place. Then there were the children and children who were abandoned by their families and widows. Even the old were among the recipients of public assistance: they could no longer work, but having worked in the past, the poor were covered in the survey agreed.
Near the first big group there was also another formed by the "poor of the crisis." They received alms so as intermittent, though poor, were not poor: among them are casual workers and people with low incomes, small artisans, unskilled laborers, etc.. Many of them fell into poverty because of the numerous debts. From the trial papers of the period reveals some of the causes that led to indebtedness and often had criminal implications, ranging from non-payment of rent debts accumulated for the purchase of goods in order to survive, and so on. The majority of people who composed the army of the poor, however, consisted of peasants, agricultural workers and unskilled employment only occasionally: they were on the edge of homelessness.
Among this mass of a marginal figure that emerges is that of the beggar. Beggars roamed the cities and their position had become a source of many problems: they had no such power, did not pay taxes, were excluded from the guilds and brotherhoods.
institutions in the sixteenth century began to be put in place laws and attitudes that stigmatize the distinction between true and false beggars beggars. More and more in the category of false beggars begin to be included vagrants.
In the sixteenth century, claiming to be the identification of the beggar with the "family of devil. In this sense, it says a literature which has object begging corporations organized in more or less secret, and obviously unauthorized, and the development of techniques that were used to begging for the next trick. In 1528, in the preface of the Liber vagatorum, manuscript circulation by the end of the fifteenth century, but printed at the beginning of the sixteenth, Martin Luther represented the homeless as those who were acting in league with the devil, indeed it was the same devil who used them to prevent falling into the hands of true charity in need (widows, orphans, elderly and disabled, the poor socially accepted). But it is the work of Teseo Pini, the Speculum cerretanorum written between 1484 and 1486, which is analyzed with the begging to the complicated fraudulent methods: in addition to the representation of different disguises play the secret language used by vagrants and beggars to communicate with each other.
Bronislaw Geremek, the author of many essays on the history of poverty, said the legislative attitude toward the homeless gradually becomes particularly hard: while the beggar recognized as such was tolerated, the tramp was hated being homeless is not just about the ease of commit crimes, but also a set of attitudes, habits and customs which in themselves are dangerous to society.
While in most cases the homeless came from the countryside, the city presented itself as the refuge safer in times of difficulty since it secures the means of survival, almsgiving theft looking for temporary work.
But the danger is found wandering in particular young people and adults aged 15 to 50 years, among them mercenary soldiers in disarray, veterans accustomed to a violent life, false beggars and pilgrims, bandits organized in gangs that terrorized the countryside near the city. In 1665, a learned Italian bishop, Giambattista Scanarolo, in the Treaty "De carceratorum visitation" to define the Tramp proposes four criteria: 1) the wandering without any purpose, 2) the lack of a job and a personal fortune; 3) for both the leisure to wander to commit crimes, 4) do not have a fixed address and begging to be deceiving people by saying or showing false diseases. Italy
In an example illustrative of the methods used to deal with poverty is provided by the papal Rome, the center of Christianity and therefore privileged half of the tramps.
Fanucci he wrote to them at the beginning of the seventeenth century: "In Rome do not see that and beggars are so numerous that it is impossible to walk the streets without them around."
Sixtus V in 1587 ordered a general confinement of the poor in a ghetto, the pontiff in the bubble "Quamvis affect" that led to life sentence vagrants and beggars who inhabit the streets of Rome. Near the bridge was erected by Pope Sixtus a hospice whose management was entrusted to clergy and lay people invested with power to judge the poor in order to prevent the scourge of homelessness. Each beggar was to be led by them to have permission to beg and / or be incorporated in the hospice. The license to beg takes the form of a badge sewn on the left shoulder and in a bubble that had printed the value of a security clearance: this was granted only to the poor wretches, that the blind, the aged, the disabled. The homeless, however, after being registered, were sent, with a mandatory expulsion order, to their places of origin under pain of being punished by flogging and prison for men.
In Roman Catholic circles as a moral concept is spreading dramatically negative of the poor: poverty becomes a source of social disorder and poor is responsible for his condition, because the origin of poverty must be sought in sin and vice.
In the seventeenth century, several laws indicate that those who continue to beg for a fake poor. To distinguish the homeless from the workers will get to use a simple method: they ignore those who have their hands hardened by work and imprison all the others.
Over the centuries the dispossessed masses, forced into poverty and punished for their poverty, through the purgatory the advent of the industrial expiate their sin becoming employed. Finally, these multitudes of people is useless to the company for themselves find their place in industrial factories in the first phase: the redemption of their prize will be handed over to the generations born after World War II in the form of "welfare society".
What is worrying is the return, started in the 80's in America and England Tatcheriana Reagan, of policies for a modern revival of the "enclosures acts." Today to be "fenced" are public services, health, water, education, security, built with the taxes of generations of citizens to be used as a community and then sold off to private individuals to be granted only to those who can afford it.
also victims of modern "enclosures" are the inhabitants of outlying regions of the world, the new masses of tramps who go in the 'city' of the West from the "marketing" of the south to recreate the 'industrial reserve army needed to maintain low wages and the perpetuation of the conflict between poor and less poor.
The aim of tearing people dall'autosufficenza production and force them to a life regulated by market relations, however, is reached and is now firmly now impossible to escape. Besides, you know very well what of those who refuse to go to work to earn bread, cellular and plasma TVs: it becomes a vagabond.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Drinking Coconut Milk
"Dear Beppe ,
two weeks ago, Annozero, I evocatoLicio Gelli and the rebirth of the P2 plan and I have spoken ditutto colors. In fact, I had been too optimistic. We are now well Gelli, as well as the P2. We are in the political-judicial coup .
Perun time, pursue technical and legal aspects of the decision delProcuratore general Catanzaro snatched the investigation "WhyNot" on Prodi, Mastella & C. the holder, ie Luigi De pm at M agistris, is unnecessary and misleading. Better go now to the substance, which Equest: the magistrate who had gathered sufficient evidence perindagare Mastella for abuse, fraud and illegal financing, cioèriteneva have found the money, can not complete its investigation , now in the pipeline . The dossier will go to a altromagistrato, which take months to study all the documents. And, if you do nonvorrà the end of De Magistris - attacked from right and left, defended by anyone, inspected for months and months, dragged before alCsm, proposed for the immediate transfer and ultimately expropriated delsuo work - listen to the loving advice that give the government and the opposition once so compact: Check all lasciarperdere, look the other way.
whatever people may say, this is not a private matter between De Magistris and Mastella. This is the final solution after twenty years of war policy Justice . It 's the culmination of the dream of many Gelli, Craxi and Berlusconi difermare investigations on power in the bud. Gelli, Craxi and Berlusconi, in their naivety, thought that it was necessary to do laCostituzione change, writing that the career of quelladei pm is separated by judges and prosecutors must obey the government.
Mastella and who's behind understand that there is no need to change the rules: just create the conditions that made this happen. Just an open unfascicolo pm on friends of a minister, if he requests the transfer (delpm, not the minister). Even if the request does not stand up, nonimporta: when the judge comes to the point, going to friends of the minister livellodagli the minister himself, the minister will argue that it is because the prosecutor has it in him. And, with shell game, be able to convince some senior magistrate to exchange the causes and effects conglomerate pm to snatch the survey for "incompatibility". Comesa was resent to the prosecutor with the minister, not the Minister avercelacol pm. It is called "preventive war", and did not even inventataMastella. The Mao had already theorized: "Hitting a to educate a hundred." It works. " Marco Travaglio
keep asking. But those who voted this government after 5 years to rightly railed against Berlusconi, now you feel betrayed? Now is not ashamed of it? And if you will not be ashamed, you are able to explain why?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Easton Sv12 Softball Reviews
South Africa won the Rugby World Cup and he deserved it.
Look at the stars as long as I can. A Puntica seen shooting stars too big even in October. Only when it's cold you're in the car to look at because you're in the middle of the country wet and cold but if you look at the plays of DT Awake which as everyone knows is an album in autumn, and autumn's cold. The cold does not make it any less sad Space dye vest, just remember that some people even if they are established in the list of debtors, and flee abroad to avoid paying, taking as an excuse that they have always lived abroad, and they also disappear without a trace.
These days celebrate the tenth anniversary since I started listening to Dream Theater's Awake.
go hear live music is beautiful. Go hear live music definitely puts me in a bad mood. If I find a group that has a drummer who does same things that I do know I can not help wondering why he's on stage and I fucking on a bench to look like a jerk. I've said at other times probably, but maybe people are not careful.
Last week I was going to put on the cemetery. Meeting two Jehovah's Witnesses. An old woman stoned and a girl who was thinking of something else, probably to get those cocks Moroccan park in its various holes. The old woman stops me and labored voice says, "a young man, finally, here you can also see you still be interested because 'S 'THE PROBLEM THAT WE MUST PROTECT OUR CHILDREN . I
elegant suit and tie I was adjusting my Omega Speedmaster. Do their audience time to tie the strap of steel, then answer candidly: "Lord, you see there is a problem, I worship the devil."
Then I take and I'm leaving. Reactions: the girl continued to count dicks blessed, and the old answers: "a young man, finally, here you can also see you still be interested because 'S 'THE PROBLEM THAT WE MUST PROTECT OUR CHILDREN . Do you
is not true that I love the devil. But blaspheme God, I do it with modesty and without profit.
Sometimes I try to do new things. For example, I tried to make the queer but I is not coming very well, you see that there are no doors. For some months I began to be a journalist. That one is better, so better that I came to the conclusion that people like me to piss in the Riotta culo.Me Riotta angry with him because when Guzzanti demonstrated the poor quality of our newscasts, so here he is taken if the male.Gli to piss in the ass because I can tell, I do not take a penny plus I am an engineer, not a journalist. But he uninformed, it takes a lot of money, made of fine schools to be a journalist ... in short, someone had to try to do something.
Sometimes they are caring and try to do something when I see that there is need.
Go buy the fucking magazine where I write! At least understand something of what happening around you.
I'd like to know how many people who then voted for the Prodi government is now ashamed of having done so. For example the question of having a minister of criminal justice. One example of many.
I would also like to know what the excuse of those who are ashamed of it.
I'd also have the courage to stop. A little 'to everything, of course. Story things now, and I do not even committed to do so. What a dreary prose. I see the bad pass, I do nothing, sometimes I get close to me to sign an autograph. I have a poster of evil in the room above the bed. Beside the posters of Catiline. I'm a fan of evil. I am lazy to write a definition of evil, however, is not only what you think. And 'even more. There let it creep into the consciousness. Get the inside with silver-framed photo of the well, put it on the mantelpiece in the living room next to the photo in silver frame of evil, you sit on the couch, you watch them, watch them, but maybe you fall asleep if you wake up are them and then watch them, watch them, watch them, watch them.
And then you're not.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Pokemon - Migrating Pokemon Tricks
EASTPACK Antidote Tour 2007 - Alcatraz (Milan)
Obviously, if a concert Dark Tranquillity are there too, and this makes the fifth time.
companions adventure
I'm shaking with fatigue (and this makes you guess that all went well) .. SONIC SYNDICATE ... good, yes, to entertain their fans and kids especially girls. But what do you do with 2 singers? The fact remains that the girls that they sing is better than these thugs Tiziano Ferro, and with this we have also found employment in the cosmos to the SS.
CALIBAN really nice, do not know them and do not like the genre, especially do not like their fans idiots in this case what brought me an elbow in the face of betrayal. But do they know their job and end up at the end of fun.
Soilwork . Here things improve further. Swedish Sti I do not mind, of course we are always there, are suffering as a kind of drifts numetal they do turn up their nose, however, Stabbing the drama in the background is a nice album and some songs (one with the flies, Stalemate , distance, nerve) it breaks significantly.
And then finally, themselves.
Dark Tranquillity
- Terminus
- Lesser Faith
- Treason Wall
- Wonders At Your Feet
- Lethe
- Focus shift
- Inside the particle storm
- Misery's crown
- Final resistance
- Therein
- Punish My Heaven
- My negation
- The new build
It 's always an honor to be there, among others and in front of them, with them, shouting in the face of the fucking Christians every day make us slaves
I do not believe, I will not believe Taste and you will see
That All Belongs To Me
I do not believe, I will not believe
(Treason wall)
Nice choice of songs, even though an hour and a quarter are too too few for their endless repertoire. Great test Stanne obviously on the short distance was not spared, as we have not saved us in the audience.
PS: Special mention for a frantic wobble that was always in the middle of the mosh and never ceased to encourage them to blaspheme. I'll remember you forever:) When
Monday, October 15, 2007
Astroflex Car Starter, Notizie.Dettaglio / id, 74
written above by going to a Professional Associations of the largest and most prestigious, you can get an idea of who are the Member of the Order according to the study commissioned by the Order.
read and then comment!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Cellular Respiration In Mammals Versus Reptiles
dott_miseria is a man, but is also a woman, is a human being who loves his work, who has studied for years, has spent most of his life (being a thirty ) on the books, to specialize, to accumulate knowledge, to make plans, to try to learn to be prepared, competitive, once entered the "wonderful world of work "..... that world is so many dreams, that all have always described the university as equal, that world where the projects will be realized, it will remain a fantasy .....
that world really so different from what you imagined it!!
YES! ..... Because two days after the entry into this new world, we realize that not everything is true what they told us that in addition to and not be true, do not bring any advantage, much less of an economic , you will not find much
dream of economic independence,
not be able to finally enjoy the weekend (a time dedicated to the study) or because you are trying to impress your owner who asked you to work or can not afford to spend money that you've never won (unless your family do not you sponsor)
..... there are many other things you can not do, but we keep for the next post!
this here is a brief description of dott_miseria , some of you will recognize in him, may contribute to the drafting of his portrait.
How To Make A Real Phone Out If A Dummy Phone
I write on behalf of all young professionals, who in Italy, after earning his degree
I write because I believe it is right to bear witness to what happens daily in the most professional Italians, many of the professions such as accountants, lawyers, architects, engineers, etc ... I noticed.
These studies are often able to work with the support of the many "employees" and not graduate, that in order to be able to experience first and then work in the area in which they graduate, they are forced to begin the collaboration with vat.
for a young architect, for example, after the state exam and then practice the profession, facing two roads to take:
- start his own studio (having economic opportunities, the necessary knowledge and client base),
- begin an experience in a study already under way.
Who should choose the second path in order:
- join the professional association,
- open p. VAT,
- subscribe to their employers' liability insurance,
- start a collaboration with an annual turnover that is unlikely to justify the cost of administering the scheme of vat (see field trials of the category)
- will have no coverage for sickness,
- will have no day off then accrued paid
- obviously will not have the money collected to the TFR,
- will be considered by its proprietor an employee with a fixed monthly lump sum (if lucky),
- there are minimum rates for hourly fees, so each owner will be free to negotiate the fee (often very low),
- economic growth is nonexistent or very low, because it is protected and controlled by any entity except the owner of Studio,
- schedules will be observed and then in most cases not be able to collaborate with other firms because they tend to monopolize the "collaborators",
- ; not have any guarantees on the continuity of cooperation over time, because there is no written contract that guarantees the verbal agreement,
- ; is often employed to perform tasks other than those for which he qualified
- will often expected to work outside office daily (8 hours) without any overtime compensation,
- is unlikely to be protected by the Order because it belongs to the same order and chaired by senior colleagues who have no interest in protecting young professionals, and the "competition".
For all these reasons listed above I believe it is necessary to inform future graduates as well as all Italian citizens or not, to date, they believe they can have a professional future that ensures a prosperous life, is not the case, will be "exploited" and "monopoly" by their senior colleagues.
Pleurisy And Heartburn
This space is dedicated to all those who want to make their voice of protest (witness) against the system of hidden insecurity of young professionals in Italy!
...... ..... and all your sfogatevi!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Forgot Combination To Suitcase Lock
Tonight I saw, guilty after a long time, DIGNITY 'THE LAST .
tear the bowels. Really.
The tale of a rich country like Argentina in the knee after the 2001 crisis. See so many people reduced to poverty incredible, jobless, deprived of their land for the wear rates of the banks, stripped of everything from corruption and violence of neoliberal policies intended by the murderers of the International Monetary Fund.
and see how they reacted protesting, joining in neighborhood assemblies, factory, building self-managed hospitals (but I never imagined it would be a self-managed hospital?). Hospitals
because those self-managed state no longer worked: the taxes paid by citizens, sold off to private. The state, a democracy like ours, had no more money, squandered to fatten all the usual friends and the IMF, and therefore the services are cut.
A large factory is closed, then occupied by workers with slingshots defended the eviction orders of the police, made her work and gave salaries to all. Fuck it worked for real (oh no, I used the word with the F, now who knows who storcerà the nose, you can not tell which is anti-political, perhaps the Madonna cry if I use that word).
people killed in the streets by police while demonstrating for a loaf of bread and a modicum of dignity. Fuck you, kill her, understand?
But in the end we in Republican and Democratic have had hundreds of dead killed by the police for asking a shred of dignity. And recently we had our Genoa.
I could not get unstuck off the selfish feeling that those people in the film we could have been us. But in the end we are: just because now we are beggars with enough money to buy mobile phones, holidays or box of 36 bags of the last expansion of magic, it is said that we could not become beggars who can not buy bread in the future. Even those people were once middle class, when they worked and when it seemed to work ...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Volleyball Quotes For Cancer
I realize the monotony imprante
on this blog but it just so happens that this video has it mounted I
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Job Description For Employee
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Feandil!
- Feandil is the oldest playable musical instrument in the world!
- Feandil is the largest of Saturn's moons!
- Tradition allows women to propose to feandil only during leap years!
- Feandil has three eyelids!
- Feandil has a bifurcated penis!
- Medieval knights put the skin of feandil on their sword handles to improve the grip!
- South Australia was the first place to allow feandil to stand for parliament!
- Abraham Lincoln, who invented feandil, was the only US president ever granted a patent!
- If you kiss feandil for one minute you will burn six or seven calories.
- Feandil has enough fat to produce 32 bars of soap.
... I'm a fat jolly fellow ... 32 bars of soap .. : · · ·
Saturday, September 8, 2007
How To Insert Jpeg In Autocad CINQUESTELLE - Channel 889 on Hotbird \u0026lt;/ a>
To my knowledge the only TV coverage that gave VAFFANCULODAY organized by Beppe Grillo and MeetUp.
course on other networks did not spend a word for an event that has brought 200,000 people in Bologna. Where talked about the real problems of real people, such as environment, job insecurity, the information.
Besides the media of these problems do not deal with it if not to distract and confuse people, so why be present for the V-DAY. In addition, he also spoke
Massimo Fini, my joy and the right to bring attention to the underlying problem, namely on the scam of representative democracy and on the disconnect between the values represented by democracy and the reality of the facts. What
three legislative initiatives will certainly not change.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Sample Welcome Letter New Church Member
lj .. this is becoming a sort of video channel
I admit, but this is really nice and talks about things that
supporting for years, and then post it here
Monday, July 16, 2007
Ceiling Fan M52ul Wiring Diagram
follow the advice of D'Arcy
to preserve your mental health
Friday, July 13, 2007
What To Write On A Tombstone
those of you not seeing thought: fuck
or voitila
or a hologram!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Shoes Sleeping Illegal
sometimes I find the bench and bus stop.
the bus, what we do not spend more years there. and that will only take you away.
I find myself waiting for the disappearance of liberzione. without appearing to be of any form, not appearing in this dimension of the world, the one that got the better of replacing the other, but which of them is far more real and true.
as in the final scene of the film based on Ghost World: take leave of this world and join the ghosts and invisible.
exist out there, far and wide on the skin too humiliated in the world, lines, vents, scars, paths and roads, bus and subway lines, disused, for those who do not longer able to see, and that lead to where you are not yet in the places that some people no longer exist.
invisible lines that you can follow my breath, you acorgi to cross, and on which you can jump on.
the day you will find the right one or wrong one, according to the views of people who live here and not there, you can not go back, you can only go forward, and hope only in the curvature of the universe, to return to step departure.
this invisible world, that we deny ourselves the sight, grows, expands as they see what appears is increasingly full of pictures of himself itself.
more we think we know the world, because this is an illusion generated by the proliferation of images that we can do in the world, the less we know. to cancel the distance with speed, remains intact and kept within what the distance, we believe we can touch and see up close.
this is what we find, wherever we go, and we can not well to focus.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Mud Room Lockers Plans
a Kurt Vonnegut banged his head falling down the stairs and died.
had seen with his own eyes the bombing of Dresden, and could not help it.
had seen the children go to war, and the children of those children, go to war again.
then had seen the children of the children of those children go to war. and die again.
so it goes. I have a friend
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Wholesale Decorative Pillows
rigraziare particularly in recent days told me through livejournal, which you can find this video on you tube ..
This Papillon D'Amour by Nicolas Provost, we did see a lesson, and tried unsuccessfully to download it or buy it on the internet but nothing. E 'is an example of how a simple mirror effect on a sequence of a Kurosawa film, some loops, and a relentless soundtrack, Possoni create something magical. If someone
lands in northern Europe you will find a copy that I know makes a welcome gift.
I wanted to thank my friend
such a Neil Gaiman, who in turn told him another friend, this
Mc Kean ..
And I wanted to thank those of professor tattered showed it to me, long before he slaughtered and their two, and on a projector screen ..
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Can A Kidney Regain Function
after the Mass in Latin, and cazzotanto Who have done that on say, the uncomfortable truth that nobody wants to tell you:
Ratzinger is' the only true Super Saiyan!
and contrary to the unions sayan between the same sex because it weakens the species. And that is what brings those unbelievably belts: CI HIDES IN THE TAIL!
While the rest of the priests carrying the skullcap and the foundation to conceal the antennas and with them their terrible secret:
are all Nameks!
unions are against any kind because
And while someone tries to sell the paintings of the houses on the hills of Emilia Romagna, for they shall be on the sea during the quindic'anni (who I guarantee that will not be under instead?)
colgo l'occasione per dire a tutti che verso la fine di questo mese
a meno che il mio relatore non mi stronchi prima..
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Drunk On Duty Counseling
Anyway, i can try anything it's the same circle that leads to nowhere and i'm tired now.
anyway, i've lost my face, my dignity, my look, all of these things are gone and i'm tired now.
but don't be scared, i found a good job and i go to work every day on my old bicycle you loved.
i'm pilling up some unread books under my bed and i really think i'll never read again.
no concentration, just a white disorder everywhere around me, you know i'm so tired now.
but don't worry i often go to dinners and parties with some old friends who care for me, take me back home and stay.
mochrome floors,
monochrome walls,
only abscence near me,
nothing but
around me.
monochrome flat, monochrome life, only abscence near me, nothing but silence around me.
sometimes i search an event or something to remember, but i've really got nothing in mind.
sometimes i open the windows and listen people walking in the down streets. there is a life out there.
but don't be scared, i found a good job and i go to work every day on my old bicycle you loved.
anyway, i can try anything it's the same circle that leads to nowhere and i'm tired now.
anyway, i've lost my face, my dignity, my look, all of these things are gone and i'm tired now.
but don't be scared, i found a good job and i go to work every day on my old bicycle you loved.
mochrome floors, monochrome walls, only abscence near me, nothing but silence around me.
monochrome flat, monochrome life, only abscence near me, Nothing But
silence around me.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Spanish Wedding Phrases
we actually took all
wishes to those who came today as a gift a
foo o 'nine tails and
and anas
and a dwarf
(who you noticed that this post is tagged "apocalypse NEXT " know that is not a typo)
Monday, March 5, 2007
Salomon Contagrip Technical Hiking Boots
. .. finally someone has noticed that Friday was my birthday
(of course, relatives
close and some of my friends that sometimes it is as if they were, do not count,
obvious) and even I was pleased to receive greetings from the land of elves green
or less away ..
among people who frequent a bit 'and maybe you vaguely invited to the celebration of your birthday a few weeks before, or last year, or sometime in the year, and that
daily treat you as a friend
few have noticed if
and this year I decided not sbadierarlo around, like last year, because now
are twenty-five because it does not matter so much because maybe
so you understand more about the people around you
I'm not here to tell you about the performance of my birthday dinner, I'm not here to tell you where and what we ate, to tell you things like, my friend instead of pull my ears ripped twenty-five hair
are not here to tell you What have I done, word for word, I speak to my sense of responsibility in the achievement of the twenty-fifth birthday, my new perspective of advancing age, the stages that I have fought and those who still are waiting for me, what I want to do or not now
Garfunkel's song I heard on the radio
and I liked it a bit, although I found it a bit pretentious
and perhaps looking for an easy effect will
crazy because I often see them around, maybe because they are not part of everyone for the rest of the year people forget that there is suffering, why do not you believe in
possibility of defining someone mad, excluding it from a company that does not have anything healthy, or at least one mental health under which wants to distance itself from crazy.
sanremo I knew who won, but not because I was interested to know in any way,
I have no idea who the others who won it the runners do not watch it because soassai
today a friend of mine phoned to greet me
I and his brother were born the same day, a year or two away,
but he could not call because I was in Prague for business
my birthday here, in Bohemia
while everything is still, motionless ..
not tell you how to get where we went to celebrate my birthday, I
the beauty of a place that is a stone's throw from here, which was also home to a Nazi internment camp, which is
the middle of nowhere and antennas, radar, aircraft are not
nememno here to list the gifts that I received, or that I would receive it for recrimianre
are only here to tell you how the idea that time flows at the same speed everywhere
on which the concept of simultaneity,
fundamental to the conception of a market that is global and
in which trade takes place in real time
and simultaneously on the entire surface of our planet is an illusion
and is not a recent discovery
even on my floor space-which is commonly recognized as anachronistic
a caravan of cars in the middle of nowhere no one follows my
acorge of writing that stands out in a clear block letters in white paint on an electrical substation yards, still in operation - not far from one of the largest U.S. bases in Italy, where it is well known, are still placed strategic nuclear warheads, for the eventuality of having to respond appropriately and promptly if the Soviets attack us - and nobody blinks passing a written and stays there, defying
physical and chemical limits, if not geopolitical, according to the which should perhaps have already collapsed in times of ebb and reshuffle, saying
and says,
with the tightness of the typical speech of people of my shares
Friday, March 2, 2007
Gold Refining In Houston
I discovered that there is an on Splinder bezdomnyj
that's not me and is also on deviantart (the different spelling is due to his fault) and
among other paints and draws pretty well
and it made me feel in a work of his grandfather Fedor
I looked better his stuff and I realized I had a picture of his grandfather
and then I put it here
L 'man-mouse by ~ Bezdomnji on deviant ART
recently a number of combinations are making me feel like the feeling of living in a parallel world
people who discovered to have your own ideas thousands of miles or
who has lived your own chains of events, through your own set of arguments
eventually take your own decisions, the
decisions that you thought were your
makes you think that maybe you do not exist
that perhaps you're the one taking those decisions and to have completed those actions
but rather were those decisions and the actions to take and make you
and it did not state all your EXISTING
attests only the existence of certain arguments, certain chains of events and decisions
and they are caused by someone or something,
ordered by some system of power that normalizing tends to absorb and integrate it into all except himself?
or modular structures are quite empty and pre-existing human life that making fill them with content,
but which have not been hatched by none other of nature, or God
or anyone else want to enter on the dotted line _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
on my own what I believe is that nothing can be said except through your
sharing (ie with a practical example
if you get an idea [passatemela as an expression]
the only way you can attest to the very fact of having made
is to communicate it to others who live around you)
another thing that I think is that
yes, there are empty modular structures that the human mind fills in its development and with his experience of human life,
but not everything is determined in these structures and even
there instead, and conversely, mechanisms and systems of behavior that do not belong to man, but that it induced in many ways, some hidden, others such overt
and behavior of these mechanisms and systems are designed only to maintain certain power structures sole purpose of maintaining themselves, rather than ensuring the survival and welfare of men
(guarantee for which the constitution would be justifiable , which is constantly evolving, autonomous structures of certain minimum power, a power
in constant change and not sclerotized and fossil) that
belief is that nothing is created perdavvero, re-creating just
and that there is nothing new under the sun, but
under the sun there are many many things to see
and only a fool can say and believe them having regard to all
a fool or Chuck Norris, and no one can contradict
Chuck Norris
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Pokemon Soulsilver Freeze Patch
this day of the championship ended with some unexpected victories on the pitch of my heart ..
In the second half, also the referee whistled a foul by the cliché of scuadra Evanescence, raising protests from the captain who has pulled his head out from the tray of bignolini to be heard, but it was too late.
After further delays due to the free Nirvana, Kurt Cobain that, who said " that is, no, make a goal for the event is a thing that can happen, but if I hit the penalty and scored the two to zero, would perhaps say that I am a winner, and I do not think I can consider a winner .. I wish I could even apologize to the captain of the opposing team because it does not seem right for me to win and more win against a woman .. , "the rigor of two to zero by Dave Grohl was beaten to the delight of fans, mostly of middle-aged hippies.
Harder was the struggle between Arno and Tiber , for parental authority the invention of the Lock dell'ammore , the clash between the holders of jewelry and Venturi Francesco Moccia, has been difficult, but eventually Moccia has been discarded with agility and subsequent transition to Mario Cioni was decisive for the first goal of triplet.
Reality beats Fantasia 3 to 0, then To:
-the support of elementary teacher has tried to cut a child's tongue with scissors because it was confusing, the Prodi Bis-
with friendship and the willingness of leading Follini, probable and further reorganization of the centrist already low center-left and rebirth of the old DC-
the wonderful things you can do with a dietcoke and a packet of mentos
waiting to be connected with the theater for the postponement of s.andrea
ROME - PISA, to be held March 13 (a delay of 13 days) we return the line director for advertising ..
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Nadine Jansen Full Of Milk
this template starts to be a little uncomfortable
give a look to see if I can find better
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Where To Buy Colored Trucks For Tech Decks
not believe
then was not the only one to think and to do so ..
ommioddio, it's like being in a story by Philip Dick
or Douglas Coupland ..
I'm lovin 'it by ~ backforward on deviant ART
not want to believe
I just hope the small differences between the quarter pound with cheese and the big mac
or being able to drink beer at McDonald
Monday, February 26, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
lately I have a great desire to take punches to the pillars of the buildings
do not have a great interest in write to the journal
I did not really want to read the newspapers will keep me informed
I do not give a fuck what happens
do not have a great desire to take the European license
not find anything interesting I can not comment
leave comments on blogs of people splinder
and do not even know if it is my fault or someone else
I really want to throw eggs
I badly wanted to shit in a paper bag
put it outside the door of those who know me and him on fire
if only there was some yakuza that respectable in my knowledge I could get rid of some people
what I ask and say loudly
KOSSIGA Replace the fridge!
I can no longer stand it no longer holds
Lapo Elkan, no longer holds the halls of luxury, no longer holds the gas stations, no longer holds the artistic directors, no longer holds the showman in parliament, no longer holds the Gardini, not can no longer stand the newsagents and hacks, I can not bear more those who are over sixty years, no longer holds a country always at the same old hand, the usual four assholes, no longer holds the rain always falls in the wet, I can not bear more than those who abstain, because he thinks that the rigurardi does not hold up to thousands more people flocked to the blog of Beppe Grillo, and spends her days writing crap, but when it comes to taking positions, or have something concrete, they are all there that glissando and whistles, just talk say two or three crap choice
Bagaglino no longer holds, and the usual number of 4 beats, plus a raspberry that reproduce
twenty years I can not bear more young people, who are all beautiful in that system, but making the alternative, those who display a restless youth and who have not, they do surfers, living by pretending that there is more tomorrow but
on time, one by one, all have saved my ass, who the father doctor who the father a lawyer, dentist, lawyer
and in a few years will all be arranged in inverse proporssionale
and what they were doing and upload their being young
no longer stand the fuck the use of English, with expressions
I can not stand that there are more people who will take care of two minutes and then stabs
I can not take more than ten years of canvassing, I am exhausted Craxi's daughter, fed pigs and that rooting in the parliament with their micropartitini, I can no longer inexistence of a center-left in
I can not take more than andreotti
I can not take more than muttered continuous
I can not take more of Cicchitto, the Guzzanti, the
not ferrara I'm sick of the professors of the normal, geek
not take it anymore than that they stay in to watch door to door every evening except
then complain that this country is always in the hands of the usual four assholes
not I'm sick of "if you want the features you need to buy new"
the launch of new operating systems, the "time is a month old,"
of "how much it sucks television this year, "
of" if you see something you have to put the sky or digital terrestrial
but not turn it on and turn off the television more than ever
I can not take more than Giovanni Lindo Ferretti
because even I do not go
the movies even though now I do some sports but with
that I want to find him stoned as to his age
as you see me doing well
not you see?
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Garbage Bin Rentalscheapestedmonton
said that the dolphin is dying taught.
dogs barking all day. a neighbor annoyed, waiting for the lady out of the house and the stabs.
a story already told on these screens, passion and death
barking, journalism assault and killing spree
instruct the dolphin fell dead under the blows of the neighbor. nothing is worth the ride to the hospital.
the dolphin, which is an intelligent animal, it feels
and falls into depression, not eating
not jump, does not swim
does not download even the odd dolphin
cynical but I'll be making of this history, I remain impressed
of dogs barking, man probably eugenic selection based on their beauty, and not their brains that are good
barking all day and make noise while they play as if they were killing a dolphin
depression in which we can not give drugs
okay to say that 'Man is an animal
particularly stupid, he thinks it will be useful to kill one another for questionable reasons
who thinks that you can use all the consumer, for the simple fact that there is, and that is at
hand but as yet we want to do harm to this planet and the animals that inhabit it
how much we want
averted if only they knew the animals would choose to
the good of all of us off
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Scorpio Man Stopped Calling
Hiya! You can find me at :) Chou! You can find me on :)